This Hour Has 22 Minutes

A case of mistaken identity. I joined the crew in late 1993, part-time, filling in for staff on leave. This Hour Has 22 Minutes was in its adolescence, starring CODCO alum—Walsh, Jones, and regular guest Thomey—together with a notable young writer and performer Rick Mercer. NOT to be mistaken for CBC's 1960s controversial news magazine, This Hour Has Seven Days, the satirical 22 minutes—as it is now called—uses humour to skewer politicians while skewing culture and world events. Quite the opposite to my other gig at the time—the respected CBC News World—This Hour… employed satire and sketch comedy—something to which I was not suited—to report on weekly news. Fresh out of school, head shaved and trying to figure out how I fit in the world. Not knowing what type of design I was interested in, the two shows in their contrast—world events and satire—seeded the character I would later become. Simply put, I did not have a head for comedy. Which has its ironies, as colleagues and friends thought it was my head in the show's title sequence. Which, thanks to a co-op commercial, is how the mistaken identity started. Something I have since given up correcting.

Timeframe: 1993–95

Head Shot.jpg

Timeframe: 1993–95


Chairs Limited


Halifax Wrecked