Delmore ‘Buddy’ Daye Learning Institute featured in Canadian Interiors

Canadian Interiors magazine November/December issue features the work by Form:Media and Ekistics (now Fathom Studio) for the Delmore ‘Buddy’ Daye Learning Institute in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute (DBDLI) is an Africentric-based organization that focuses on curriculum and education for learners of African ancestry in Nova Scotia. Ekistics Planning and Design and Form:Media helped to create a welcoming environment for the community, and a workplace and educational workshop and that relates directly to their African roots. From concept through construction administration, the teams developed the interior architecture, and branded environment.

An online version of the article, authored by John deWolf is be found here.


First published in 1964, Canadian Interiors is the longest-running interior design magazine in Canada and a sister publication to Canadian Architect. Canadian Interiors draws its reader into the aesthetics and functionality of interior design, interior architecture, space management, and product and furniture design. Canadian Interiors is part of the iQ Business Media Built Environment Group which also publishes Canadian Architect magazine, Building magazine and the Design Source Guide.


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