AZURE’s thirteen Canadian Designers to Watch
Activating natural environments and fostering social interaction
AZURE Magazine’s editors and writers identified thirteen firms—one for each province and territory—as innovative practices shaping design in Canada. The magazine suggests “activating natural environments and fostering social interaction” is an important part of their approach to design.

RGD Member projects—Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre
Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre wordmark
John deWolf’s wordmark for the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre (MNFC) was featured by the RGD. The project as a whole involved architects, planners and graphic designers to help the MNFC find a prominent urban space to call their own, come up with a conceptual design for the MNFC’s new home, complete with branding.

SEGD feature—John deWolf’s sketchbook
John deWolf’s sketchbook
My sketchbook was always intended for me until now. What makes sketchbooks special isn’t what brand we use, how tidy it is, or what pen we use, rather it’s why we keep them and how we use them. The SEGD asked to share my books and for my thoughts on why I use and keep them.

ArchDaily highlights Batoche National Historic Site
Storyboard on the Landscape
Boasting over 500,000 daily readers and about 160 million page views per month, ArchDaily is the most visited source for architecture worldwide. In February 2017, the editors selected the work at Batoche National Historic Site to post to their blog. Batoche is the heartland of the Métis nation, the physical, cultural, and political home of the Métis people—the work here celebrates a thriving indigenous culture.

Applied Arts feature—Fort Needham Memorial Park
A tribute to 100th Anniversary of the Halifax Explosion
Nickie Shobeiry looks at the work done for Fort Needham Memorial Park to commemorate the disaster and tell the story of the explosion, published on December 6, 2017, the 100th Anniversary of the Halifax Explosion, an urban green space dedicated to the explosion victims.